The purpose of the Provo Arts Council is to act as a citizen advisory board for the Covey Center for the Arts and for the arts in Provo. The goal is for the Arts Council to help gather information concerning arts and arts programming throughout Provo and then help disseminate that information to the citizens.  The Arts Council also helps with programs sponsored by Provo City that are held outside the Covey Center.  The board meets monthly on the first Thursday at noon in the Covey Center for the Arts Board Room.

Members are appointed by the Mayor of Provo for a three-year term and approved by the Provo Municipal Council.

Council Members:Term Expires:
Rick Kinetader (Visual Arts), Chair 2012
Mindy Arnold (Dance)2013
Vicki Barrett (Visual Arts)2011
Lee Bartlett (Visual Arts)2011
Sandra Covey2011
Andrew Dabczynski (Music)2012
Lisa Edwards (Film, Television and Theater)2013
Mark Geslison (Music)2013
Jennie Creer-King (Dance)2013
Elizabeth Smart (Folk Arts)2013